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25 October, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion - November

So many things, so many going on right now either at the gallery, or with my very talented group of artists. I am so excited for them, and feel so proud to represent them and their incredible work.

Take a look -

Susan Burnstine - Within Shadows, a solo show at Gallerie BMG
- Bridge To Nowhere won two 2008 Black & White Spider Awards; third place in the Fine Art Category and second place in the Silhouette category.

Tom Chambers - Tom is going to Bogata, Columbia next May.
FOTOGRÁFICA BOGOTÁ 2009 sponsored by the National Museum of Photography in Bogotá.

Cynthia Greig - Cynthia's showing her Representations series at Ute Noll's UNO Art Space in Stuttgart, Germany. 8 November 2008 - 8 February 2009

Keith Johnson - Panopticon Gallery in Boston and also through 31 October at Valpariso University in Indiana

Lydia Panas - Lydia's work is included in the exhibition "Humanscape"  in Korea in December, and Dean Jensen Gallery in Milwaukee.

Joelle Jensen - is in the newly released Flash Forward 2008

Mitch Dobrowner - is in LensWork coming up in the December issue.

25 October, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion - November

So many things, so many going on right now either at the gallery, or with my very talented group of artists. I am so excited for them, and feel so proud to represent them and their incredible work.

Take a look -

Susan Burnstine - Within Shadows, a solo show at Gallerie BMG
- Bridge To Nowhere won two 2008 Black & White Spider Awards; third place in the Fine Art Category and second place in the Silhouette category.

Tom Chambers - Tom is going to Bogata, Columbia next May.
FOTOGRÁFICA BOGOTÁ 2009 sponsored by the National Museum of Photography in Bogotá.

Cynthia Greig - Cynthia's showing her Representations series at Ute Noll's UNO Art Space in Stuttgart, Germany. 8 November 2008 - 8 February 2009

Keith Johnson - Panopticon Gallery in Boston and also through 31 October at Valpariso University in Indiana

Lydia Panas - Lydia's work is included in the exhibition "Humanscape"  in Korea in December, and Dean Jensen Gallery in Milwaukee.

Joelle Jensen - is in the newly released Flash Forward 2008

Mitch Dobrowner - is in LensWork coming up in the December issue.