Susan Burnstine and Carol Watson have juried a mammoth show in Texas, at the Watson Studio Gallery. The Fantastic Plastic show has a huge cast - 45 artists. Some of our favorites are on the list, some new faces we are looking forward to seeing.
Here is the list -
Bill Barber - Sugarland, TX
Phil Bebbington - Bath, UK
Lori Bell - Santa Maria, CA
Tatyana Bessmertnaya - Plano, TX
Tami Bone - Austin, TX
Susan Bowen - New York, NY
Chris Bucher - Indianapolis, IN
Jean Caslin - Houston, TX
Carol S. Dass - Colorado Springs, CO
Faustinus Deraet - Austin, TX
Mark Finlayson - Goonellabah, Australia

Karen Florek - Venice, CA
Megan Green - Astoria, NY
Laura Greenwood - Austin, TX
Warren Harold - Houston, TX
Jennifer Henriksen - London, ON
Dan Hessing - Leicester, UK
Mark Hickman - Morganton, NC
Cathy Van Hoang - Long Beach, CA
Hugh Jones - Arlington, VA
David Keenan - Austin, TX
Rocky Kneten - Houston, TX
Adam Lanigan - Hawthorne, NJ
Adam Laskowski - Toronto, ON
Erin Malone - San Francisco, CA
Tootie Nienow - Santa Ana, CA
Heather Oelklaus - Colorado Springs, CO
Rebecca Pendel - Farrell, PA
Becky Ramotowski - Tiejeras, NM
Deon Reynolds - Eureka, NV
Carol Schiraldi - Cedar Park, TX
Laura Shindollar - South Bend, IN
Deborah Smith - Austin, TX
Herb Smith - Wimberly, TX
Aline Smithson - Los Angeles, CA

Jennifer Spelman - Santa Fe, NM
Amanda Stahl - Johnson City, TX
Daryl Tebbitt - Leicester, UK
Ann Texter - Georgetown, TX
Rebecca Tolk - Burke, VA
Larry Joe Treadway - Lawrenceburg, KY

Kristin Ware - Austin, TX
Kathy Weaver - Los Angeles, CA
Jon Witsell - Brooklyn, NY