If you haven't submitted already- jump in! Entries must be in by 9 May. That's coming up!
This annual juried exhibition draws entries from across the country and around the world, and remains among the most popular shows in PCNW's annual schedule.
The competition is open to all photographers, all photographic processes, and all themes. The juror is looking for work that represents a larger, cohesive body of work and will be selecting a short series from each photographer chosen.
From among those exhibited, our juror will select first, second and third prize winners to receive prizes of $1,000, $750, and $500. Submissions must be received by Friday, May 9th, 2008. See www.pcnw.org for submission guidelines. Please Ring Bell will run July 11 – August 28th at PCNW in Seattle, WA.
Juror: Rod Slemmons Rod Slemmons has been the Director of the Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College Chicago since 2002 where he has curated several exhibitions and teaches undergraduate photo history and graduate theory seminars. Slemmons previously taught at the U.W. in Seattle for 12 years. He was the National Chair of the Society for Photographic Education from 1990 - 1994. Slemmons was the Curator of Prints and Photographs at the Seattle Art Museum for 14 years, producing 35 exhibitions and numerous catalogs.