Thank you to everyone who submitted for New Directions.
We had over 200 entries, so George has almost 1,000 images to look at.
We will have decisions to everyone as soon as we hear from our very esteemed juror, who will be very busy going over so many fabulous entries. I will be highlighting some here after the judging comes back - I don't want to skew the process with my selections just yet.
The show will open in January - mark your calendars. Mr. Slade will be in the gallery and up at PhotoCenter during the weekend.
6 January - 7 February, 2009
Artist Reception with Mr. Slade, 5 February, 6-8pm
Lecture by Mr. Slade in conjunction with Photographic Center Northwest-
Contemporary Photography Now, or, Today is So Yesterday
Location: PCNW Auditorium, Tickets: $6 regular, $4 Members & Students
Given the proliferation of venues for contemporary photographic artists how do viewers and makers navigate the flow of images and assimilate the dialogue surrounding them? Mr. Slade examines the new wave of photographic practice from the perspective of a curator, consultant, and writer currently caught in that wave, trying to historicize, interpret, and articulate while simultaneously just staying afloat.
and for those of you who want more input into your work - Photographic Center Northwest will be having their annual PhotoRevu that same weekend, and George will be one of the many reviewers available to talk to, learn from and have see your portfolio.
The FOTO REVU is a unique opportunity for members to receive one-on-one professional critiques by some of the Northwest's most respected people in the field of photography including gallery owners, museum curators, publishers, artists & educators. In the last decade photo review events have become the primary venue for fine art photographers to network & show their work to people that can make a difference in their future. Experiencing Foto Revu is an excellent stepping stone to participating in the international review events such as Fotofest, Review LA, Photolucida, PhotoNOLA and Review Santa Fe. There is a lottery system before the sessions begin to select your reviewers and to assure fairness. A reception with the reviewers and photographers will follow the event in the gallery. $150 per session: (morning session - 5 twenty minute reviews) (afternoon session - 5 twenty minute reviews) (late afternoon session - 5 twenty minute reviews)...(Full Day = 15 reviews for $$450). Contact PCNW front desk to register. Stay tuned for a list reviewers.