Here is the schedule of events coming up this first week of February - if you could attend, we look forward to seeing you there!
We are looking for your input - a people's choice as it were. Let us know your picks, either the artist or the image/s and we'll post your thoughts on the blog here at the end of the week. email us with your choices - we can't wait to hear what you have to say.
Artist's Reception with George Slade.
George will have an informal discussion about the artwork, and artists at 7pm.
Maja Georgiou - Barataria Marsh, Vanishing Trees

Reception for Mr. Slade at City Catering Company before the lecture at Photographic Center Northwest
We will have an informal reception for Mr. Slade at City Catering (1318 East Pine) for more information or location, please contact the gallery or city at 206.721.0334
Lane Collins - Volition

Join us at 7pm for a lecture by Mr. Slade at PCNW.
Contemporary Photography Now, Or Today is so Yesterday
Christa Bowden - Dragonfly 19th Century
On Saturday is one of the best opportunities to meet the local community -

FotoRevu at Photographic Center Northwest
Priya Kambli - Me ( Golden Dibiya)
So join us next week for a big week! we look forward to seeing you!