We are also thrilled to have him on the roster for our upcoming Collectible show.
I have been watching Bill's work over the last two years, and was excited to see Clint Willour select him for our New Directions 2008 showcase of emerging photographers. His body of work, Paramnesia, is a visionary treat, a complex web of ins and outs, of place and memory. All of his stories are interesting, creative and often intense.
Take a look and let us know what you think.

about the series -
Using my childhood as a touchstone I set out to recreate
places from my past as well as their photographic referents.
The process involves recalling a place which is then
transcribed into a series of rough sketches. These sketches
then serve as a form of blueprint from which the place is
recreated in miniature. The miniature serves as a stand in for
my memory which can then be photographed. Once
photographed, the miniature is then dismantled leaving only
the photograph and the original memory.
By using the constructed image it is my hope that on closer
inspection that the viewer discovers the fabrication. With such
a discovery the veracity of both photograph and memory can
be called into question.