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15 August, 2008

do I or don't I? The question of photo reviews

For those of you who do this circuit, reviews can be really great, really stressful or just not go the way you want them to. Its a huge investment in time, money and your soul to put yourself out there to see if your art has value to someone other than you. I suggest doing them all the time, I think they are a great investment, and can teach you so much about your work, emotionally and technically. Do I think they are for everyone? No, not always. You may not be ready yet, things maybe not be cohesive. The way for them to be successful is - Have a solid developed body of work, a well established statement about the work, and a desire and a plan of where you want the work to go and how you see it succeeding in the marketplace.
Mary Virginia Swanson is a tremendous champion of artists, and of photography. She is always working, making connections, answering questions, and really trying to be available for artists to further themselves and their artistic endeavours. She has a blog that she keeps up to date with information about upcoming classes, lectures, and yes, reviews that should be on your daily reading list. Today she posted a commentary on the review process, why it works and what you can get out of it. Take a look.

15 August, 2008

do I or don't I? The question of photo reviews

For those of you who do this circuit, reviews can be really great, really stressful or just not go the way you want them to. Its a huge investment in time, money and your soul to put yourself out there to see if your art has value to someone other than you. I suggest doing them all the time, I think they are a great investment, and can teach you so much about your work, emotionally and technically. Do I think they are for everyone? No, not always. You may not be ready yet, things maybe not be cohesive. The way for them to be successful is - Have a solid developed body of work, a well established statement about the work, and a desire and a plan of where you want the work to go and how you see it succeeding in the marketplace.
Mary Virginia Swanson is a tremendous champion of artists, and of photography. She is always working, making connections, answering questions, and really trying to be available for artists to further themselves and their artistic endeavours. She has a blog that she keeps up to date with information about upcoming classes, lectures, and yes, reviews that should be on your daily reading list. Today she posted a commentary on the review process, why it works and what you can get out of it. Take a look.